Personal and Environmental Factors of Physical Activity

To investigate the relationships between health, physical activity, and the physical environment using a unique “photovoice” method with physical activity monitoring.
Aging in Place Research

Principal Researchers

Dr. Jennifer Jakobi
Dr. Christiane Hoppmann

Other Staff

Trainee Tiana Broen
Trainee Dana Ghareeb



This multidisciplinary project combines the expertise and perspectives of cluster researchers Dr. Jennifer Jakobi in Health and Exercise Sciences and Dr. Christiane Hoppmann in Psychology. Trainees Tiana Broen and Dana Ghareeb will work together to investigate the relationships between health, physical activity, and the physical environment using a unique “photovoice” method with physical activity monitoring. This method, of asking participants to take and describe photographs, actively engages participants in the research process and offers a personal perspective to understanding the individual and environmental factors that these researchers seek to understand to influence wellbeing in older adults.

We are currently analyzing data and writing up the results of this research, stay tuned to learn what we’ve found.