Virtual Reality Exergames for Older Adults Living With Dementia
We are currently evaluating the implementation and use of virtual reality exergames with older adults living at home in the community with only remote support.
Principal Researchers
Dr. Jennifer Boger
Exercise has been shown to have significant physical, cognitive, and emotional benefits for older adults, however, changing abilities can make it difficult for people living with dementia to engage in exercise. Together with kinesiologists, older adults (include those people living with dementia), and an industry partner, Jennifer Boger and her research team are co-creating head-mounted virtual reality exercise games (exergames) to encourage engagement in exercise. Pilot trials with people living with dementia showed great promise with participants doing targeted exercise motions while enjoying playing games in virtual environments.
We are currently evaluating the implementation and use of virtual reality exergames with older adults living at home in the community with only remote support. We are also exploring how to employ machine learning to establish game metrics that can be used to quantify the impact of VR exergames on level of physical activity, balance, and mood.