What does “aging in place” mean to you?
A nationwide information-gathering initiative on Aging In Place in partnership with the Central Okanagan Branch of the National Association of Federal Retirees

Principal Researchers
Dr. Jennifer Jakobi
Dr. Christiane Hoppmann
Other Staff
Research Coordinator Melanie Fenton
Last fall (2021) we conducted a nationwide survey in partnership with the Central Okanagan branch of the National Association of Federal Retirees to gain information about what aging in place means for older adults. We subsequently held meetings over Zoom to discuss this topic in greater detail with a subset of interested participants. We were overwhelmed by the response to this survey and the wealth of information is provided.
One of the major themes that came out of the meetings was “aging with choice”. Staying at home or within the same community was very important to participants but most recognized that wants and needs change across the lifespan and that having acceptable choices available is key – including affordable and accessible services as needed. Results from surveys indicate that Canadians are highly concerned about the financial aspects of Aging In Place as well as where to find information about accessing assistance and services.
The results of this study were shared via Zoom webinar on March 15, 2022 as part of the annual Embrace Aging Month. The full report of our findings is now available for the public.